Recent content by lucasdiniz

  1. lucasdiniz

    Recently finished books?

    I read this one some time ago, quite sad, huh? Why bullying in Japan is so hardcore?
  2. lucasdiniz

    New & Notable

    Her last short story collection. I don't see myself reading Nuestra parte de noche anytime soon.
  3. lucasdiniz

    New & Notable

    So glad she's got a new collection! Can't wait to check it out. I hope it's better than the last one.
  4. lucasdiniz

    WLF Virtual Meet-up

    I'll be there!
  5. lucasdiniz

    WLF Virtual Meet-up

    As long as it's Saturday or Sunday, I'm down!
  6. lucasdiniz

    Season's Greetings!

    Merry Christmas! Happy new year!
  7. lucasdiniz

    Recently finished books?

    ?? In other words - Jhumpa Lahiri Jhumpa Lahiri recounts her journey learning Italian from her college days up until when she decides to move to Italy and write in Italian. Lahiri writes a lot about her struggles with identity, being a daughter to Bengali parents who was born in the UK, raised...
  8. lucasdiniz

    National Book Awards, 2023

    I actually read A palavra que resta one or two years ago and it was beautiful, sad, poetic, everything. It's quite raw in its portrayal of homophobia and violence. It made it to the select group of books that made me cry.
  9. lucasdiniz

    Recently Begun Books

    I'm currently reading Family Sayings because Jhumpa Lahiri talks a lot about it in her book on learning Italian. It's one of the funniest things I read in a while. It's gotten a little slow halfway through though.
  10. lucasdiniz

    WLF Prize 2024 - Dương Thu Hương

    Novel without a name was one of the most depressing things I've read in my life. That's a compliment, by the way. I bought Paradise of the blind some time ago but never got around to reading it. I remember watching an interview where she talked about hunger and having to eat whatever she found...
  11. lucasdiniz

    Happy birthday, Leseratte!

    Feliz aniversário! Tudo de bom pra você. :3
  12. lucasdiniz

    Recently Begun Books

    ??/?? In Other Words, Jhumpa Lahiri This is Lahiri's story on how she fell in love with the Italian language and switched to it as the language she writes in nowadays.
  13. lucasdiniz

    WLF Virtual Meet-up

    I have used Discord for quite a few years and the worst things I've encountered were racist Argentinos. I understand why people decided to ditch Discord, though. I hope that doesn't ruin our meet ups. So when's it happening?
  14. lucasdiniz

    Portuguese translation(s) & publishing

    Kenzaburo Oe's novel "Farewell, my book!" finally translated into Portuguese by Estação Liberdade: They already had plans of translating more of his works in Portuguese before his death. I'm quite curious about his last novel, "In Late...