Recent content by SouthEastAsianLit

  1. SouthEastAsianLit

    Nobel Prize in Literature 2020

    Pretty sure that as early as today the SA already has a hard on for awarding a white European male next year. It will be Fosse/Straub or Houellebecq's to lose, with perennial Nadas/Kundera as dark horses. 2022 might be Xue's year. ps: happy with Glück's win. Would have preferred Carson, but is...
  2. SouthEastAsianLit

    Nobel Prize in Literature 2020 Speculation

    Quite a few things to remark since the last time I posted. 1) Odds-makers on ladbrokes are definitely keeping tabs on the forum (as other members have already echoed) 2) The names of Ulitskaya and Kincaid are fascinating, however, since neither of them have been discussed substantially as...
  3. SouthEastAsianLit

    The Booker Prize

    I am appalled by people's aversion to the debut novels on the longlist—especially if they haven't read them yet. It is entirely possible to my mind that 8 debut writers wrote books that were wholly better than the second, third, fourth, fifth or twentieth book by established authors. For...
  4. SouthEastAsianLit

    Nobel Prize in Literature 2020 Speculation

    This is extremely interesting—the lessing tweet and the uncanny (s). I looked up past instances when two writers have been awarded today. It has happened a total number of 4 times. The first time it happened in 1904, the two writers were from different nationalities and nothing thematically...
  5. SouthEastAsianLit

    Nobel Prize in Literature 2020 Speculation

    I would imagine that the Academy likes to compare authors from the same country, at least in their long-list stage, in order to decide on a shortlist. It is possible, and this is pure conjecture, as everything else is on this forum, that the longlist would have looked something like this this...
  6. SouthEastAsianLit

    Nobel Questions

    Not basing my answers off of general perception or other people's opinion. Only choosing writers for each category from the ones I have read. I am also going to cheat and pick two for each category. 1. favorite: Toni Morrison, Garcia Marquez 2. least: Patrick Modiano (read 4 books, don't...
  7. SouthEastAsianLit

    Nobel Prize in Literature 2020 Speculation

    I would trust that the gossip/info to come out of sweden itself to be the most accurate. Given that the swede press has often missed the mark in making the correct predictions, but the names of Orhan Pamuk, Herta Muller, J. M. G. Le Clezio first emerged from swedish press in the years they won...
  8. SouthEastAsianLit

    Nobel Prize in Literature 2020 Speculation

    I have a feeling the academy has by now figured that the Nobel Library is a source for potential leaks. Esp after this forum successfully predicted the 2017, 18, 19 winners. If that's true, with 0 books checked out, Ngugi Wa Thiong'o might be this years winner. After the Handke debacle last...
  9. SouthEastAsianLit

    The Nobel Library

    Any new movement at the library? I tried surfing the nobel library website but really couldn't figure out how to see how many books are checked out of specific authors. Thanks to members who have bee keeping check. From the discussion above safe to assume Can Xue, Peter Nadas, Peter Handke...