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    Almudena Grandes (1960 - 2021)
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    Alasdair Gray (1934-2019) A very interesting 'post modern' Scottish writer and painter. I remember enjoying his novel Poor Things back in the 90s.
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    Justin Cartwright (1945-2018)
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    Antonio Sarabia (1944-2017) Did you know this writer, Daniel?
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    Edward Albee (1928 - 2016)

    Another great writer dies without the Nobel prize he deserved.
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    Anita Brookner (1928-2016)

    Anita Brookner has died. She was originally an art historian and only turned to writing fiction relatively late. She was a fine writer. I read quite a few of her novels back in the 80s and early 90s, most notably Hotel du Lac, Lewis Percy, Latecomers. I eventually lost interest in her writing as...
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    Rick Moody

    Has anybody read Rick Moody? I've been recommended The Four Fingers of Death (2010) but, despite what appears to be a deliriously funny plot, I'm a bit weary of tackling this 900 page door stopper without further encouragement. Previous books by Moody, such as his novel The Ice Storm (1994) and...
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    Pen/Faulkner Award to Atticus Lish

    Atticus Lish has been awarded the Pen/Falkner Award for his novel Preparation for the Next Life. I've never heard of this guy but he seems to be the hot cookie in the New York literary scene. Anybody read him...
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    P.D. James (1920-2014)

    This is sad news. PD James was more than a great crime novelist; she was a great novelist beyond any genre.
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    French Bookstore in New York + Philip Roth named Commander of the Legion of Honor

    This is good news for New Yorkers. An exclusive French bookstore opens in a 5th Avenue mansion, home of the French Embassy Cultural Services. On the occasion American writer Philip Roth was named Commander of the French Legion of Honor...
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    Ruth Prawer Jhabvala (1927-2013)

    Novelist and screenwriter Ruth Prawer Jhabvala died in New York. She was 85 years old. She was born in Germany but was educated in England and adopted English as her writing language. She married and Indian architect and lived for many years in India before settling in New York. She was perhaps...
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    Photos of famous writers at home

    I saw this link on another blog: Fascinating indeed! Perhaps someone knows how to post the actual pictures for better viewing.
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    Tan Twan Eng: The Garden of Evening Mists

    Tan Twan Eng: The Garden of Evening Mists ****0 This is an ambitious novel set in Malaysia with a multilayered plot moving back and forth in three time periods, from the late 80s when the story is told in the first person by retiring judge Teoh Yun Ling, to the time in WWII when Japan occupied...
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    Best Books of 2012 lists

    So the usual year end lists started to crop up in various publications. It's interesting to know what different authors think about this year's production. The vast majority of the books on these lists are new to me and I don't recall having seen them discussed on this forum...
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    US National Book Awards 2012 announced

    Here's the link to the National Book Foundation with all the news about the awards, which were announced yesterday evening.
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    Two important Argentine writers passed away recently

    Héctor Tizón (1929-2012) I'd like to inform about the passing yesterday of Héctor Tizón, 82, perhaps our most prominent living writer. As usual, there's virtually no information about him in English. I'm linking a few articles appeared in the Spanish and Argentine press plus a brief one in...
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    French writer sacked for writing agaisnt First Lady

    The new French First Lady, Valérie Trierweiler, seems to have begun her role with the wrong foot. First she tweets against the president's first wife, causing her to lose in the elections. Now she apparently had a prominent writer-journalist, Philippe Sollers, fired from the Journal du Dimanche...
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    TWO VOICES: Jay Rubin and Philip Gabriel on Translating Murakami This is an interesting article and more interesting podcast. Our group's translators will certainly empathise more with the speakers but I'm sure everyone who's ever read a book in translation will begin to give...
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    Premio Alfaguara de Novela 2012

    The lucrative ($ 175,000) Alfaguara Novel Prize for 2012 was awarded to Argentine writer Leopoldo Brizuela for his novel Una Misma Noche. There is very little information (as usual) on the English language press, so I am attaching some links in Spanish covering the news, from Spain's El País and...
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    Christa Wolf (1929-2011)

    Christa Wolf, perhaps one of the greatest German writers of the second half of the twentieth century has died. She was 82. I read very little by her, the moving Sommerstück, but had...