Search results

  1. OverTheMountains

    Maryse Condé (1934-2024)

    This is quite sad to hear. Earlier this year I read I, Tituba: Black Witch of Salem and I thought it was fantastic. By far the best structured of the three novels of hers that I've read. And it captured an anger about the world wonderfully, while also building one of my favourite characters in...
  2. OverTheMountains

    Reading Goals for 2023

    It's been a long time since I've made one of these lists - and I've never really abided by it. But it's still a fun thing to do. Really, my only big goal is to read more next year - and to read more adventurously (and perhaps spontaneously). Which in part means that this list, again, likely...
  3. OverTheMountains

    Book covers. Do they matter?

    One of my favourite publication series is the one that includes this edition of GGM's The Autumn of the Patriarch. Most every book that was published in this series is accompanied by a piece of artwork that intrigues the reader. And the novels for wonderfully in my hand. I don't pick up a book...
  4. OverTheMountains

    Michael Ondaatje: In The Skin Of A Lion

    I read In The Skin of a Lion earlier this year after a very good friend, whose judgement I trust deeply, recommended it. I wasn't necessarily looking forward to it because my preconceptions of his writing were that he was far more romantic than I tend to enjoy. But they did not lead me astray...
  5. OverTheMountains

    Past Good Nobel Winners Who Wouldn't Have Won Today

    I'm sorry if my comment came off as a little condescending Patrick. I don't want to discourage you from sharing in the future, whether it be autobiographical or any of your perspectives.
  6. OverTheMountains

    Past Good Nobel Winners Who Wouldn't Have Won Today

    .... And to work towards making it better, perhaps? I appreciate you sharing what you have shared. I think you're missing some of the mark - maybe even most of it. Hell, back in my academic days I would be encouraging you to read some Gramsci or other works outlining the oppressive power of...
  7. OverTheMountains

    Past Good Nobel Winners Who Wouldn't Have Won Today

    Just for the sake of it, it's important to point out that men having sex with young women is clearly a big part of "straight history". For hundreds (actually thousands) of years it wasn't called anything other than "marriage", and for everything but a most recent sliver of time men couldn't be...
  8. OverTheMountains

    Nobel Prize in Literature 2022 Speculation

    I'm reading it now. It's remarkably bland in every way. I've been very concerned about it being considered a classic piece of Gay Literature for the past few decades. Surely we can do better than this. To Liam's point, he seems limited to understanding the world by only seeing it through gay...
  9. OverTheMountains

    International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award

    I've read two books of songs, poems, and stories by Leanne Batasamosake Simpson - Islands of Decolonial Love and This Accident of Being Lost. I think the former is stronger than the letter, but they were both quite good and I've recommended them to others - though I think they were published in...
  10. OverTheMountains

    International Booker Prize

    This post just makes me wonder why you even bother reading.
  11. OverTheMountains

    Best reads of 2021

    Yo también estoy de este lado. Para mí el libro es bastante exitoso en su meta. El estilo de escribir, y el personaje del dictador - sus pensamientos, sus miedos, sus relaciones - y las partes mágicas eran indicaciones de un genio, obviamente. Y aún más escribió algo con muchas observaciones de...
  12. OverTheMountains

    2022 Reading Goals

    I always love goal-setting at the beginning of the year. It's a fun moment of delusion, a break from reality, a chance to think about what I would do with my life if I always had as much time off of work as I do during the holidays. But I'm still trying to keep it simple and clean this year...
  13. OverTheMountains

    Best reads of 2021

    I didn't read this year; not much, at least. And certainly not as much as I had hoped. But looking at what I did read I would still say it was a good year - with just enough standouts, at least one of which has moved into my all-time favourites list. The most long-legged in their impact, and...
  14. OverTheMountains

    WLF Prize 2022 - Javier Marías

    I'm going to give him another go with Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me. It was the first of his books that I picked up at a book store, and I've been meaning to give it some of my time for nearly 10 years. Every time I pick it up to read I get nervous I'm just not ready or in the right...
  15. OverTheMountains

    WLF Prize in Literature 2022

    Submission made!
  16. OverTheMountains

    Nobel Prize in Literature 2021

    Let's add him to the WLF prize list for next year!
  17. OverTheMountains

    Nobel Prize in Literature 2021

    I also wonder if a list like this would capture his writing, based on where he has lived for the length of his writing career. It might be a more fair question of why he isn't on any list of the greatest books from the UK. But ultimately that might not be a useful question anyways. He could...
  18. OverTheMountains

    Nobel Prize in Literature 2021

    Thanks for sharing this Bartleby. The more I learn about this guy, the more excited I am to read his work - and the brief reading of his work was beautiful and poetic. I'm excited to get to read some of his stuff. It looks like the local library has a few of his books available, so I've got a...
  19. OverTheMountains

    WLF Prize in Literature 2021

    I've joined the conversation late! I'm sorry - work is complete nonsense. Regardless, I don't think my votes would have changed the outcome. I'm quite happy with the winner, though I may come back later and offer my own explanations and rankings on each vote.
  20. OverTheMountains

    The Nobel Library

    Adunis is certainly a deserving winner. If he doesn't pass away before the beginning of next year, I intend on nominating him to be included in our own prize selection process. His voice is exceptional, his writing is unique, and the power of what he says is moving in ways that leave me feeling...