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  1. miobrien

    NYT: Your brain on fiction Thoughts?
  2. miobrien

    NYT Book Review - Dec 21 1969

    Found this in the basement of my apartment. My landlords have a lot of cool stuff. NYT Book Review from Dec 21 1969... Front page article by Kazin. The authors on the front are: Malcolm X, Mailer, Berryman, Nabokov. On the inside: Cheever, Gass, Joyce Carol Oates, Oscar Lewis, Updike...
  3. miobrien

    Don DeLillo: The Angel Esmeralda

    Been intrigued about this for a few months. I remember really enjoying a DeLillo short story in The New Yorker about two years ago. Here's a review from Martin Amis. There's a review by Sam Lipsyte on
  4. miobrien

    Terrence Malick: "Lawless" and "Knight of the Cups"

    The Tree of Life was released this year. He is finishing up an unnamed project - perhaps "The Burial" - with Affleck/McAdams/Bardem/Weisz. There's his documentary "Voyage of Time." Also, a possible extended cut of Tree of Life. And now two more films have been announced: "Lawless" and "Knight...
  5. miobrien

    The Prospect: "Postmodernism is dead" by Edward Docx Thoughts?
  6. miobrien

    J. R. R. Tolkien

    It's been a very long time since I read the Lord of the Rings, and I'm itching to read through the books again. (I'd also like to watch the extended versions of the three films.) The Hobbit or There and Back Again (1937) The Fellowship of the Ring (1954) The Two Towers (1954) The Return of...
  7. miobrien

    Terrence Malick: The Burial

    Due to the popularity of the thread on The Tree of Life, I figured I'd make another thread about Malick's upcoming film, tentatively titled The Burial. Here's a pic: Here's some plot info...
  8. miobrien

    Péter Nádas

    Wiki: Kirjasto: I've never heard of Péter Nádas until recently. His novel, Parallel Stories, is coming out in English in October. It is translated by Imre Goldstein. Are any of you familiar with Nádas? I...
  9. miobrien

    Mary Karr on John Ashbery Focusing on the bold here. I think I agree with her. Though I might not be as dismissive as she is. I can certainly and honestly say I do not revere Ashbery as much as I used to (say five years ago) when I considered...
  10. miobrien

    Moral Fiction

    I’m interested in having a conversation with you all about moral fiction. I decided to make this thread after reading some interviews with David Foster Wallace and John Gardner's On Moral Fiction. Is morality the primary concern of “serious” fiction? I would say so (at the least fiction I enjoy...
  11. miobrien

    Two articles: one questions the act of writing, the other questions the literary life

    Saw these on last night. Skimmed each but I plan to read them through later. I'm interested to hear what you think about what they're saying. Do they have a point? Or are they blowing hot air? "Let’s Ban Books, Or at Least Stop Writing Them" by Bill Keller =...
  12. miobrien

    My tour of Hemingway's house in Key West, FL

    It's been a while since I've read Hemingway. Used to like him more than I do now, but some of his writing (like The Old Man and the Sea) will always have a place in my mind. Anyway, visited Hemingway's house in Key West, FL today. Figured I'd share my photos with WLF. They were taken on a...
  13. miobrien

    TheMillions: Most anticipated books of the second half of 2011 Long list. A lot of interesting titles.
  14. miobrien

    Reading: How important is it to you?

    One of my professors in college concluded her last class by stressing the importance of reading. It is, she said, the one thing in life that, if you do consistently, will make you intelligent, well-rounded, nuanced, skeptical, and so on and so forth. By this she didn't necessarily mean reading...
  15. miobrien

    Terrence Malick: The Tree of Life

    Director/Writer: Terrence Malick (Badlands, Days of Heaven, The Thin Red Line, The New World) Cast: Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, Jessica Chastain trailer - imdb - wiki -...
  16. miobrien

    Christopher Hitchens

    British-American author, essayist, journalist as well as orator, polemicist, contrarian. Lifelong scotch drinker and chain smoker. He is now being treated for stage four esophageal cancer. "There is no stage five," he has said. I'm a fan. I saw him speak a few years ago, and he certainly...
  17. miobrien

    Jo Nesbø

    I'm unfamiliar with Jo Nesbø but it seems he's starting to become more popular in the US. Is he one of the Nordic crime writers that Eric hates? I'm not a Stieg Larsson hater, and am planning to give Nesbø a try some over the next few months. What's the consensus here? I have to admit I love...
  18. miobrien

    Death and dying

    I'm looking for texts on death and dying -- stories, poems, essays, spiritual or nonfiction works, etc. My grandfather passed away a few days ago due to complications from renal cancer, so I've started to focus some of my reading on the subjects of death and dying. I'll also be giving a eulogy...
  19. miobrien

    John Sayles: A Moment in the Sun

    Quite interested in John Sayles latest novel. He's more known for his directing and screenwriting but he's written a handful of novels as well. Anyway, A Moment in the Sun is 968 pages. It's being published by -- wait for it -- McSweeney’s (or as has dubbed them “We Print...
  20. miobrien

    Annotated Editions

    While rereading Plato's Republic, I've realized how much I enjoy annotated books. (Explains my love for Infinite Jest - but I wish they'd publish an edition with footnotes instead of endnotes!) Especially in the case of philosophy, which is somewhat in between fiction and nonfiction, annotations...