Search results

  1. H

    Albert Cohen

    Couldn't see much here about Greek/Swiss writer Albert Cohen. He's best known, particularly in France, for Belle de Seigneur. I've just finished the two books that precede that: 'Solal' and 'Mangeclous' - both funny books, written in the 1930s (the follow up Belle de Seigneur didn't appear...
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    Travel Literature

    Couldn't see a general thread on travel literature and just wanted to see what others think. I'm a big fan - love travelling and reading about travelling. Particular faves are Paul Theroux (very grumpy but manages to convey what a place actually feels like); Jonathan Raban, Nicolas Bouvier and...
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    Henry Green

    Couldn't see a Henry Green thread on here and wondered what people thought. I've just finished Living and have read Blindness a while back. Living is definitely the superior of the two - a frank look at life in a Birmingham factory that is also linguistically interesting. Clearly influenced by...
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    Arundathi Roy: The God of Small Things

    Quite surprised not to see a thread on this already (though that could just be my searching skills!). Just finished it and found it very moving and liguistically interesting. Much of it is written from the point of view of chldren, which can be tedious, but here serves to heighten the...
  5. H

    Tom Wolfe: A Man In Full

    Just finished it. Enjoyed it more that Bonfire of the Vanities; warmer; more compassionate; funnier. For some reason, Wolfe's maximalism irritated me less this time round and, as always, some of the language is beautiful. And for someone who's never been to Atlanta its a fascinating introduction...