The code for "here"


Former Member
Could one of the moderators tell us what codes you have to use to produce the underlined red word "here" which shortens a link to just that one word?


Highlight the word you want ("here," for instance), then click on the link icon on top of the reply box. It's the fifth from the left, a globe, and the word "link" will magically appear when the cursor hovers over it. Then paste the web address into the box that opens when you click on the "link" icon and click okay. No "code" necessary.


^Yes, and to make the highlighted text stand out in RED, just select the appropriate color from the color box that looks like A.


Former Member
So, you mean that you put a ^ on either side of the word and colour it. But you just have the word "here" and yet is a link, presumably longer than the word "here". How is that link reduced and then the word "here" inserted. I still don't understand the procedure.



Say, you want to insert a web address into the phrase Interview with Ian McEwan.

You need to Copy or Cut the web address where the interview (or whatever) is located first.

Let's say, the full address is:

Then, back at the WLF, you type the phrase, Interview with Ian McEwan.

Highlight the whole phrase by using your mouse (going backwards, the phrase should become completely black.)

In the menu options on top of the message window, click on the blue globe icon, next to the blue-globe-with-red-cross icon (that one you use to UNlink a phrase).

A separate window should pop up. You paste the web address you originally copied or cut (from the website of your choice, the one presumbly "housing" the interview with Ian McEwan, and click OK.

The highlighted phrase now stores the web address of your choice, and if you click on it, it should take you directly to that webpage.

Except, after Stewart's last cleanup, the text does NOT stand out in red, it's still black like the rest of your message, so it might be hard for others to see that you've linked a certain website to one of the words or phrases within your message. So I usually highlight the phrase of my choice a second time, and color it red. You can choose any color, of course, from the little square box that looks like the letter A in bold, with a tiny downward-pointing arrow next to you, see it?