Recent content by Hamlet

  1. Hamlet

    New Yorker Article on Book Publsihing Industry - Cheap Words
  2. Hamlet

    George Bataille A very rare interview with the writer sharing his thoughts on what writing and literature is and why writers write.
  3. Hamlet

    Andrew Wiley calls Amazon isis-like Digital rights deals with Amazon make it impossible for authors to earn a living. Industry is fighting back.
  4. Hamlet

    ART THREAD 2014 (new)

    I just thought I'd begin a new art thread. I did look Liam, but couldn't find the older one. "The School of Athens." Wiki has a guide to who the characters might be.
  5. Hamlet

    Literature That You Have Not Been Able To Read To Date

    Okay, good souls of WLF: this is a thread that any literature junkie wll understand, it concerns books that you wish to read but may not have gotten around to just yet, this may span years or it could be an availability issue, no matter which here is my opening salvo: The Narrow Road to the...
  6. Hamlet

    Recently finished books?

    I read it many years ago for a course and have to admit, I couldn't stand it. It's hard to explain, but I never got comfortable...
  7. Hamlet

    John Drury: George Herbert - Music at Midnight A new book on poet generally included within selections of Metaphysical poetry, and once found on undergraduate courses, in...
  8. Hamlet

    ZIBALDONE: Notebooks of Leopardi Penguin release a major translation, the first in over 30 years.
  9. Hamlet

    Nikolai Leskov: The Enchanted Wanderer Nicolai Leskov, Russia's forgotten Writer, a new collection of stories published by Vantage and the his association with...
  10. Hamlet

    Lost Auden Journal rediscovered

    Anglo-American poet Auden's lost papers found. The journal, once considered lost forever, has been rediscovered and will eventually go to auction.
  11. Hamlet

    Women Writers on Christian Spirituality NEW. 2013 -- seems to offer quite a wide range of writing from Medieval to the Modern. I like Dover Thrift, nicely...
  12. Hamlet

    The Death of the Novel

    I don't think I've come across this subject in WLF, but it might be interesting to put together a list of responses to this debate? I know that many writers have chipped in on this and it's been discussed and still is being discussed in academic circles, but what is really going on, and is the...
  13. Hamlet

    How Social Media around the world views north Korea... from CNN Various social media responses to developments on the Korean peninsula from around the world.
  14. Hamlet

    Rijksmuseum reopens after 10 years Article and some pictures folks.
  15. Hamlet

    Young Milton: The Emerging Author John Milton's early life and formation as a writer. This book ranges outside of the traditional chronology of the standard works of Miltonian biography.