Antonio Olavo Pereira: Marcoré


To my Brazilian (and other well-read) friends: I've found a very nice used copy of this book for $5 and want to know if I should make the investment. I will admit to having never heard of this author nor of this book. The jacket says that it won a major prize for Brazilian fiction but that somehow has not convinced me and I don't know anything else about him (or it). Should I buy the book?


I'm afraid I can't be of much help here, unfortunately. All I know is it's a family drama and that Olavo Pereira is a very obscure writer nowadays and almost forgotten. This novel remained out of print for decades until being republished by a new house a few years ago. Most people seem to note and praise its concise prose, but I don't consider this an element interesting enough to spark my curiosity.

Let us wait for other fellow readers here to check their comments, but I guess it's a shot in the dark.


Thanks for weighing in. The fact that the name was totally unknown and that he appears to have published little else, made me suspicious. I appreciate all the information.


Well-known member
To my Brazilian (and other well-read) friends: I've found a very nice used copy of this book for $5 and want to know if I should make the investment. I will admit to having never heard of this author nor of this book. The jacket says that it won a major prize for Brazilian fiction but that somehow has not convinced me and I don't know anything else about him (or it). Should I buy the book?
Here you can have a better idea about the book: