Century Of Creative Literature


New member
Hey guys,
Which century has been the century of Creative awesomeness in the literature?
My love is for 19th century.


Dinanukht wannabe
I vote for the 17th. Century.

Shakespeare, Milton, Herrick, Donne, Marvel, Cervantes, the Spanish picaresque novel, Calderon, Corneille, Racine, Moliere, Charles Perrault, Pu Song Ling, Li Yu, Feng Meng Long, Ling Mengchu, Matsuo Basho, Ihara Saikaku, Simplicius Simplicissimus...


I think your answer can vary greatly depending on what modality (i.e. poetry, theatre, novels, etc.) you focus on.

However, if you are thinking purely in terms of "creative awesomeness," I think the only two answers are the 17th century and the 20th century. Not that there isn't excellent literature in the 18th, 19th, and (now) 21st centuries, but I think the 1600 and 1900s are really the times where you see artists pushing the boundaries of what literature could actually be. Those are the eras that literally redefined the art form - heck, you could still make a convincing case for "Don Quixote" being the greatest novel ever written.

I, personally, give an edge to the 20th century - mostly out of personal taste. For example, I find early 20th century poetry to be a lot better than some of the more antiquated stuff, which can be too stuffy and rigid.


New member
I think Shakespeare wrote majority of his works in 16th century.I have not read books of most of the authors you mentioned. How much of their work are alive today?(It matters).


New member
@RASimmons Nice to hear your sincere views.
Though I am personally a great fan of 1800-1900 literature.Victor Hugo,Charles dickens,Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Destoevsky, Anton Chekhov,Alexander Dumas+++, These authors for me are the trend setters who when read makes most of authors look trivial.
This is not because of their stories but because of characters and worlds they create and that too realistic world.
These authors are the GodFathers of Realist Literature and Logical fiction.