Hans Magnus Enzensberger (1929-2022)


Well-known member

Middle Class Blues​

We can't complain.
We're not out of work.
We don't go hungry.
We eat.
The grass grows,
the social product,
the fingernail,
the past.
The streets are empty.
The deals are closed.
The sirens are silent.
All that will pass.
The dead have made their wills.
The rain's become a drizzle.
The war's not yet been declared.
There's no hurry for that.
We eat the grass.
We eat the social product.
We eat the fingernails.
We eat the past.
We have nothing to conceal.
We have nothing to miss.
We have nothing to say.
We have.
The watch has been wound up.
The bills have been paid.
The washing-up has been done.
The last bus is passing by.
It is empty.
We aren't complaining.
What are we waiting for?
Hans Magnus Enzensberger

Ben Jackson

Well-known member
He was actually one of the few (very few?) living writers we knew for sure was nominated for the literature Nobel. His name is in the Nobel Database.

Agree with you there. He was about 37/38 when he was nominated in 1967. The other two writers still living, if I'm not mistaken, nominated for Nobel the same year with Enzensberger are the Ukranians Lina Kostenko and Ivan Dranch.
Agree with you there. He was about 37/38 when he was nominated in 1967. The other two writers still living, if I'm not mistaken, nominated for Nobel the same year with Enzensberger are the Ukranians Lina Kostenko and Ivan Dranch.

Now it's just Kostenko + Hannu Salama from Finland (nom. 1969). Ivan Drach died in 2018.

[apologies for the digression]