Nobel Prize in Literature 2016


Staff member
The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2016 has been awarded to Bob Dylan "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition".

You can't say that the Swedish Academy didn't give any clues that it was going to award an American poet.

Won't comment on whether this is good or bad, but I got to take my hat off to some top notch trolling from the Academy. It seems they take the prize about as seriously as its detractors do.

Poor little snobbish "world literature" nerds didn't get the obscure novelist they wanted to go and seek out translations. Boohoo.


Mise Eire

Pathetic, SA trying to be hip. Now we know the reason for delay. Must be some fuming members on that committee.


At least I can be proud that I've translated a book by a Nobel prizewinner now (to Latvian). I'm a huge fan of his work, but I have mixed feelings of the prize in literature going to a songwriter. I don't think his lyrics work outside of music all that well, but his Chronicles is a great book on the other hand.

Edit: actually I think I agree with Vazquez - it's a great snub/trolling/whatever.


It must be a joke. I can't believe it. So they want to redefine literature? Outrageous!! Blasphemous, oh I'm shocked to my bones.
Small wonder this particular pick threw the Academy into disarray for a further week. But good on whoever championed Dylan to push this through. So much better (and funnier) than awarding the same old worthy, middlebrow oppression pr0n by exiles/expats.

Although it must be said that, in attempting to acknowledge popular music as "art", the Academy must be what, 50 years late?

Next stop: awarding a vlogger.

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The times are a'changing if a songwriter can win...

I'm a fan of his music, but I don't know about giving him the Nobel


I'm mostly surprised because I didn't think they had the balls. Well, they've certainly earned my admiration with this choice.

Besides, you could trace poetry and songwriting to the same literary source...

Daniel del Real

Here is the future for the Nobel Prize in literature under Sara Danius' tenure:

2017: A translator
2018: That woman who wrote Harry Potter
2019: A YouTuber
2020: A member of WLF for his incredible, speculative yet poetic posts regarding the Nobel