Non-Fiction Section?


Former Member
I support Heteronym's idea. I feel that the average educated person, whether student, pensioner, or somewhere in between, does not read simply novel after novel in one gallop, but occasionally reads books about history, the various sciences, music, arts & crafts, politics, non-literary biography, religion, gardening, philosophy, travel, technology, architecture, the environment, D.I.Y., and other specialist subjects, or layman's simplified guides to same.

I can see no cons.


I read plenty of non fiction, so I'd support this. I'd have to become more of a poster than a lurker though to make my vote being worth while :p


I just received six books in the mail today, three were non-fiction. There are a lot of books I'd like to discuss here that I don't post because I think it'd be out of place.
If a non-fiction book group is indicated:

I'd like to suggest visiting Christopher Bollas, he is listed as a "Neo-Freudian" on wikipedia (where he has no page), but so is Jung!

This guy comes recommended on good authority, from the best circles! Maybe he can point to some lights in the distance of emerging psychoanalytic "insurrections" directed at the public and our 'well being', but I am not ironic. Anyone interested can make a survey/ a perusal of his books in the Google book versions (;teaser texts, but most of us still prefer reading in the flesh anyway).


Former Member
So, what about a non-fiction section? Or should we slot our non-fiction discoveries in the various national and continental sections somewhere?


Yes. Absolutely - and I'm not making this up - it might get some of our dreamy heads out of the clouds.