Palestinian Literature


Palestinian literature refers to the Arabic language novels, short stories and poems produced by Palestinians. Forming part of the broader genre of Arabic literature, contemporary Palestinian literature is often characterized by its heightened sense of irony and the exploration of existential themes and issues of identity. References to the subjects of resistance to occupation, exile, loss, and love and longing for homeland are also common.


Since 1967, most critics have theorised the existence of three "branches" of Palestinian literature, loosely divided by geographic location: 1) from inside Israel, 2) from the occupied territories, 3) from among the Palestinian diaspora throughout the Middle East.

Hannah Amit-Kochavi recognizes only two branches: that written by Palestinians from inside the State of Israel as distinct from that written outside. She also posits a temporal distinction between literature produced before 1948 and that produced thereafter.

In a 2003 article published in the Studies in the Humanities journal, Steven Salaita posits a fourth branch made up of English-language works, particularly those written by Palestinians in the United States, which he defines as "writing rooted in diasporic countries but focused in theme and content on Palestine."

Full article from Wikipedia

Unfortunately, in terms of the writers mentioned above, it's difficult to find works in English.


New member
Palestinian Literature

New here. Interested in Middle Eastern writers. Lately I have been reading Palestinian and Arab Israeli writers: Anton Shammas, Arabesques; Sami Michael, A Trumpet in the Wadi; Sayed Kashua, Dancing Arabs; and Shimon Ballas, Outcast; plus Runo Isaksen's Literature and War: Conversations with Israeli and Palestinian Writers.

Also recently read Randa Jarrer's A Map of Home and Khaled Khamissi's Taxi. Would be happy to discuss any of these with other members of the forum.


Re: Palestinian Literature

Have you read Mahmoud Darwish?? He is a great Palestinian poet! Very famous in the Arab world!


Re: Palestinian Literature

I just got Ghassan Kanafani's Men in the Sun. Will start on it soon and report back.