Slavery and Western Capitalism


Active member
The two great ideologues of the triangle trade were Carl Von Linne, the father of systematics, and David Hume, the great philosopher. But it is ironic that Hume is the person who today prevents the application or spread of normative sociobiology, through his old postulates about moving from is to are statements. (I may not remember the correct terms)
If we then apply Hume's own thoughts in that field on his racist dribble we can then see that the great genius contradicts himself. He probably knew this, and i suspect that his motives were financial, or perhaps political.


Active member
What, exactly, is "normative sociobiology"...?

Thanks at least for sending down a reading hole on Hume's racism. This pair of articles was useful to me
There is no such thing, it is excluded by Hume's own postulates. However, many of the believers in sociobology would like use their statistical observations in order draw conclusoin about what to do or behave. You may have heard of the fanmous atheists, the four horsemen. One of them is Dawkins. Another is Sam Harris. A few years back, Harris clamed to be able to use biology as a foundation for ethics:

But my point is that Hume's racism is a stark contrast to his own postulates on epistemology. He is in fact disproving his own racism.


Something very curious just turned up in Project Gutenberg:

Ending the Depression
Planned Obsolescence

Bernard London

Original publication: New York: self-published, 1932

The US economy did so well in WWII a lot of people were afraid that the end of the war would bring back The Depression. Then we got television to produce brainwashed consumers.

Mention planned obsolescence and "real economists" will ridicule you to death.

Could planned obsolescence be a high technology form of slavery.