Sluggish or vital forum?


Former Member
I don't know whether anyone else feels this way, but I feel that debate on this forum was becoming rather sluggish of late. Many of the sections, let alone the threads within them, stood unchanged for long periods of time. Or maybe settings have been altered that you don't always notice new postings?

The last few days has seen a burst of renewed energy, it would seem. Let's hope it stays that way.


I think this may have something to do with many old members leaving, and many new members rushing in, who haven't yet gotten their bearings, so to speak. I am hoping that as the year progresses many of these new/recent posters will become regulars and will feel more or less at home here, thus leading to a gradual opening-up of their opinions, etc.


Former Member
I think you're right, Liam. I suppose it takes a while for newcomers to get oriented.


It's unfortunate that people had to hop over to The Fictional Woods. I'd be great if we could combine both boards!


It'll be good to see some new members appear, I've been doing some back-reading and getting the idea of the shape and flow of the forum thus far. I've posted heavily, to warm up a few posts, new and old.

To Lurkers:- please sign up and wade in, this is a friendly forum, a place to identify and discuss great literature, international literature, ancient literature with humility and fun.

Don't just read, sign up and post up!

Welcome, earthlings, in advance.


Former Member
I too do not understand the logic of the lurker. It strikes me as a sort of Peeping Tom activity, where you don't actually participate. I don't know whether such people are too afraid to debate with other mortals, or enjoy the superiority of their own silent thoughts over actually having to reveal them to others.

Quite a few names that used to be here have reappeared on The Fictional Woods. That's their choice, although I do feel that this forum still also explores the byways of fiction as opposed to the well trodden tracks of bestsellers and classics.


As someone still quite new to the forum I'd like to explain a little bit why I'm not flooding you with posts. First: I'd like to get an impression of how a forum really "works". Of course, by this I don't mean how to handle the software but the way members interact, the less obvious relations and the "tone" which dominates. So I need some time to adapt to all this and during this time I'm more a reader than a posting member. Second: There are many threads I've read with interest but I'm simply not able to contribute to. Third: Writing posts with some substance in it requires time even if doing it in my native language. To achieve something similar in English which isn't my mother tongue requires even more time and is nothing I can do when having a break of just a few minutes. You see: it's not unwillingness or something else but simply a way to make myself comfortable here ;)


As someone still quite new to the forum I'd like to explain a little bit why I'm not flooding you with posts. First: I'd like to get an impression of how a forum really "works". Of course, by this I don't mean how to handle the software but the way members interact, the less obvious relations and the "tone" which dominates. So I need some time to adapt to all this and during this time I'm more a reader than a posting member. Second: There are many threads I've read with interest but I'm simply not able to contribute to. Third: Writing posts with some substance in it requires time even if doing it in my native language. To achieve something similar in English which isn't my mother tongue requires even more time and is nothing I can do when having a break of just a few minutes. You see: it's not unwillingness or something else but simply a way to make myself comfortable here ;)

Welcome aboard Aldawen, completely understand.

My post was a "slight" provocation to lurkers, posters, simply because I've seen a forum warm-up shortly after a few posters began discussing topics, and it drew folks in. But being happy and comfortable is very important. ;)


Staff member
Quite a few names that used to be here have reappeared on The Fictional Woods. That's their choice...
Yes, it is. I've probably not helped in my absence - work and university have become rather time consuming this term - although I'll be able to contribute more time after an upcoming exam. However, I don't quite see the need to be a member of one forum or another. I'm a member of loads and contribute as and when I can or feel a need to.