Spam: An Update


Staff member
One of the things that has blighted the forum for a long time - and especially so in recent months - is the volume of forum registrations that are spam. I've taken steps to reduce it as best as possible by making a few changes.

The first is two sign-up to Stop Forum Spam, a service that offers new ways to prevent fake registrations. With a database of over 50 million spam accounts submitted from loads of participating forums, this should help stem the tide of malicious sign-ups (and save time having to clean up the forum in their aftermath).

The second is to trial a new registration method. In the past I've tried reCAPTCHA (i.e the read-the-barely-legible-words-and-type-them-in method) and a question and answer system, none of which have been particularly successful. This new method is KeyCAPTCHA and should prove tricky to automated bots as the registration involves completing a small picture jigsaw.

I daresay the occasional bit of spam may from the determined manual spammer may still get through and having this reported (using the Report button underneath each post) is always appreciated.


Sorry guys: I can't be online 24/7 so sometimes spammers get through and manage to post messages, some of them of indecent nature.

I remove them as soon as I see them.

Also: please don't reply to these messages, as I then have to delete YOUR message as well.

The best thing you can do under the circumstances is: report the offensive post and then IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE until either Daniel or I delete it permanently.