The Nobel Museum Bookbinding Exhibition

Ater Lividus Ruber & V

Found this when I was looking for one of Grass' drawings and thought everyone would enjoy this. If you're a fan of the Folio Society, you'll love this.

"The Nobel Museum Bookbinding Exhibition is a collaboration between SBI (Swedish Bookbinders Guild) and the Nobel Museum. From its inception in 2005, when Harold Pinter was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2005, this collaboration has resulted in a bookbinding exhibition. The goal has been and continues to be to give bookbinders an opportunity to work together on a current event."

For each laureate, various bookbinders design gorgeous editions of their books.

For example:


Post your favourite(s)!


This made me very happy, just looking at beautiful books. Made me want to learn how to do that. Specially loved the designs for Svetlana, Kazuo and Mo Yan.


Quiet Reader
Impressive! And the accompanying texts are interesting too. It would be difficult to pick a favorite, really.
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