Translating Russian poem


New member
Hello! I tried to translate my father's poem. I'm not sure about rhyme... That's my first attempt of translating. Waiting for your opinions.

I remembered the rustling, and the whistling, and the whispering
My love left my home
Not for a moment, for spacing
Leaving my happiness alone
Now there's only the kettle into the kitchen in the morning
Breaks the silence and wake the hush
Cozy snowy winter
Is decoying a new spring
That will has odors, smiles
Hope, mirth, beautiful words
And I again will make my mistakes
If only you will be right...


Dinanukht wannabe
Daria, thank you for your translation.
I particularly liked these lines:

Cozy, snowy winter
Is decoying a new spring
That will have odors, smiles
Hope, mirth, beautiful words...