WLF Prize in Literature 2021


I know, right? Given how greatly everyone was talking about Ngugi I was expecting him to have gotten more #1s

It might just be a testament to how much we liked the writers. Like I said in that post in Ngugi’s thread, given a different set of shortlisted authors, I could rank him 1st. I imagine others may have felt the same with some of the writers


Considering the names involved, I'd be glad with any winner. So, congratulations, Mr. Krasz!

Now to the important stuff: who will be in charge of planning the banquet and take care of the logistics? And Where??


Well-known member
Considering the names involved, I'd be glad with any winner. So, congratulations, Mr. Krasz!

Now to the important stuff: who will be in charge of planning the banquet and take care of the logistics? And Where??

For Krasz? Maybe a decent-sized cave. Or an abandoned funfair. If anyone can find a supermarket that has no customers and only sells expired products, perhaps there. Out-of-tune accordion soundtrack. Dresscode black-and-white. Same catering as the people who did The Turin Horse.



Well-known member
Thanks for running this, it was fun to read the books, see people describe their favourites, and ultimately to see the results as well! I look forward to next year's too :)
I've joined the conversation late! I'm sorry - work is complete nonsense. Regardless, I don't think my votes would have changed the outcome. I'm quite happy with the winner, though I may come back later and offer my own explanations and rankings on each vote.


Perhaps errequatro can be given the honor of making the award presentation at the banquet that will be held in the city of _______________.

(According to Wikipedia, he "currently resides 'as a recluse in the hills of Szentlászló' in Hungary." Maybe we could all meet him there for some Hungarian food. Just a thought. :) I like Hungarian food. ☺)
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Stevie B

Current Member
Perhaps errequatro can be given the honor of making the award presentation at the banquet that will be held in the city of _______________.

(According to Wikipedia, he "currently resides 'as a recluse in the hills of Szentlászló' in Hungary." Maybe we could all meet him there for some Hungarian food. Just a thought. :) I like Hungarian food. ☺)

Wouldn't we need to present some kind of plaque or trophy? Since we're the WLF, we could call the award the Wolfie. ?

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Dinanukht wannabe
Seconded, the Wolfie it is!