The Hugo Awards



Best novel goes to the very deserving The Fifth Season. I had some problems with the other winners, but not to the point where I'd say they didn't deserve the award. I can do a write up on the Puppies, if anyone's interested. Their involvement is a confusing story.


Pardon me for being too lazy at the moment to create a proper thread for it, but Jemisin won her third Hugo with The Stone Sky. Has anyone here read this trilogy? Would you recommend it?


It's good, an unconventional fantasy series. I opened the first book not knowing anything about it and was swept away. One of those books where you sit at your work desk during the day thinking, I could be reading that book right now. The other two are also really good/great, though I thought they were both a step down from the first one (but they were definitely far from the worst Hugo winning novels I've read).


I didn't see any other Hugo Award threads, so I'll post this here.

The most recent Hugo awards were given out at the Chengdu Worldcon in October. However, the report breaking down the nomination statistics for the prizes was only recently released, and it has a lot of oddities and unexplained ineligibility rulings. Most notably, R.F Kuang's Babel and Xiran Jay Zhao received enough votes to be nominated for the Best Novel and New Writers Awards, respectively, but were deemed ineligible for unclear reasons. You can find a full list of the irregularities here:

The local Worldcon committee handles most of the Hugo voting stuff instead of a central administration, meaning the Chengdu team handled it, and many are speculating the Chinese government may have stepped in and removed some of the nominees.

You can read some of the reactions here:



Well-known member

Best novel goes to the very deserving The Fifth Season. I had some problems with the other winners, but not to the point where I'd say they didn't deserve the award. I can do a write up on the Puppies, if anyone's interested. Their involvement is a confusing story.
Funny award with its obsession about ballots and several photos of the statues.


Funny award with its obsession about ballots and several photos of the statues.

I think the ballot obsession makes sense for a prize voted on by fans, though I’ve never understood why each convention seems to get to redesign the trophy every year. Seems like extra work!