WLF Virtual Meet-up


So...just wondering: it has been a little while since the last video chat. But since the board seems a lot more active lately (post-Nobel even), I'm wondering if people are interested in meeting again in the beginning/middle of December.

I'm interested!


Since there seems to be a modicum of interest, how does Saturday, December 11, work for everyone? At the same time as in the past, which is

9 am Lázaro Cárdenas (aka Leo) time
11 am Guadalajara (and Chicago) time
12 pm New York time
1 pm Rio time
5 pm Lisbon time
6 pm Amsterdam/Kraków time
9:30 pm Bengaluru time
12 am (midnight) Manila time
1 am Tokyo time (sorry)

(If Dec. 11 turns out to be problematic, we can always find another date, but for now, let's see whether it works for everyone.) Let me know what you all think.... Thanks!


Sempai? Moi? I don't think so, grasshopper. ;)

It will be good to see you, though. And don't forget the pambazo! The ones you made last time were great!


Since it is still weeks away, I thought I would bump this thread to remind people who had not noticed it before. Thus giving you plenty of time to reschedule your entire lives around this important event.


9 am Lázaro Cárdenas (aka Leo) time
11 am Guadalajara (and Chicago) time
12 pm New York/Boston time
1 pm Rio/Buenos Aires/Santiago time
5 pm Lisbon/Casablanca/London time
6 pm Amsterdam/Firenze/Kraków time
9:30 pm Bengaluru/Colombo/Kolkata time
12 am (midnight) Manila/Shanghai/Makassar time
1 am Tokyo/Palau/Alice Springs time (sorry)


Ding, ding ding!! Reminder!

We will be meeting (virtually) again this coming Saturday, December 11. Come one, come all. We welcome everyone and look forward to seeing old friends and new ones and putting names and faces together. If you would do us one small favor, however: please indicate your intention of joining us. It places you under NO obligation to do so, but it is the only way we will know to send you a link to the meeting.

I may, unfortunately, not be present at the start but I will join later (family emergency likely precludes my initial presence). But Bartleby has very kindly consented to get us underway. THANK YOU! ?

Looking forward to seeing a big group. (And for those of you who haven't joined us before, no, there is no "agenda." We just chat on whatever topics strike our fancy. And...if we're really lucky, Ludus may again bring us some (sadly, virtual) pambazos.)
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Ding, ding ding!! Reminder!

We will be meeting (virtually) again this coming Saturday, December 11. Come one, come all. We welcome everyone and look forward to seeing old friends and new ones and putting names and faces together. If you would do us one small favor, however: please indicate your intention of joining us. It places you under NO obligation to do so, but it is the only way we will know to send you a link to the meeting.

I may, unfortunately, not be present at the start but I will join later (family emergency likely precludes my initial presence). But Bartleby has very kindly consented to get us underway. THANK YOU! ?

Looking forward to seeing a big group. (And for those of you who haven't joined us before, no, there is no "agenda." We just chat on whatever topics strike our fancy. And...if we're really lucky, Ludus may again bring us some (sadly, virtual) pambazos.)
I'm in, obviously hehe

I'm assuming whoever liked Dave's post is down. As for whoever else, if you want to join us in our meeting, just express below your interest. It should be fun, as we could talk face to face about the topics we already discuss here; for those a bit shy, remember you don't need to actually show your face, and you can also be there more as a listener if you don't feel confident with your command of English.

It would be really really nice to have a large group, so, no pressure, but please consider it kindly ?


Well-known member
I'm in, obviously hehe

I'm assuming whoever liked Dave's post is down. As for whoever else, if you want to join us in our meeting, just express below your interest. It should be fun, as we could talk face to face about the topics we already discuss here; for those a bit shy, remember you don't need to actually show your face, and you can also be there more as a listener if you don't feel confident with your command of English.

It would be really really nice to have a large group, so, no pressure, but please consider it kindly ?
I´m in too, maybe a bit late! Looking forward to meeting you all!


I sent a link for the meeting to everyone who was interested in participating - for those who provided their email addresses, please check it, if there's any problem let us know.

If anyone else wants to join us, just leave a message here or in private.

Hope to see you guys there ?


Since it is still weeks away, I thought I would bump this thread to remind people who had not noticed it before. Thus giving you plenty of time to reschedule your entire lives around this important event.


9 am Lázaro Cárdenas (aka Leo) time
11 am Guadalajara (and Chicago) time
12 pm New York/Boston time
1 pm Rio/Buenos Aires/Santiago time
5 pm Lisbon/Casablanca/London time
6 pm Amsterdam/Firenze/Kraków time
9:30 pm Bengaluru/Colombo/Kolkata time
12 am (midnight) Manila/Shanghai/Makassar time
1 am Tokyo/Palau/Alice Springs time (sorry)

oh, the time is this one ^
which means it's started 10 minutes ago :)